
Musings on the life of a writer, baker, enviro-mom, soapmaker.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

An Update on Jill...

By which, of course, I mean Chris's sheep. Chris offed her. And brought me loin chops. My karma is so very screwed.


At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK - this is really warped but I enjoyed seeing this posting on Jill. I have finally "offed" the playgroup from hell. After one mom - let's call her politically correct granola woman who can't seem to control her kid or get a new job so she is frustrated and just plain pathetic - told me I offended her with a comment I made in pure innocent conversation. The comment in the context of how to deal with creepy, strange people when you are a woman alone with a child - "yes, my friend from college had a system where she said you should always make the crazy people think you are crazier than they are". Most people find this system/theory brilliant. This woman found it offensive and proceeded to tell me that she felt the need to tell me that. I felt the need to get the hell away from this crazy woman. So I took my own advice and just left - it surprised the heck out of her. So Owen and I went home for a nap. And I called the leader of the playgroup and asked to be removed from the playdate distribution list because as I told her "life is too short to censor every word that comes out of my mouth". So there. Owen and I came home and took a nap, ran a bunch of errands and I hit yoga class with new perspective. Oh the feeling of sweet liberation. Free at last, free at last!

I am sure the chops were terrific. You should try them with fresh mint and a little asparagus.

Jill's in a better place.

At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG. You ATE Jill? You ate JILL?

Your karma IS so very screwed, unless you marinated her in red wine and rosemary and grilled her, in which case NO ONE could blame you.

At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While the possible karma-effects of Jill's fate are quite interesting, after a month I was really hoping to see another entry... *poke* ;)


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