
Musings on the life of a writer, baker, enviro-mom, soapmaker.

Saturday, December 17, 2005


I've been Meme'd. I have only recently found out what that means, so you can imagine my surprise and delight. As I may have mentioned, I'm a blog-idiot. Blognorant, if you will. Anyway. A meme is when, as near as I can tell, one blogger blogs about something and then 'tags' another blogger (or several) to blog about the same topic. It is, sort of, the chain letter of blogging.

But fun.

And I, being the proverbially last-chosen for dodge ball kind of kid, am thrilled with this sort of tap.

Anyway, check out Mary Louisa's blog, Yes I Do Mind. Because she's pretty. And she meme'd me.

So here goes:

Seven things to Do Before I Die:

  1. Learn to dance salsa. Or anything. Really well. Or even passably.
  2. Write my triumverate: a novel, a screenplay, and a collection of essays.
  3. Travel abroad. Anywhere. I'm easy.
  4. See my children grow up to maybe even like me despite my petty rules and momness.
  5. Re-take up scuba diving
  6. Conquer - or even nudge a little - my wild fear of heights.
  7. Have an organized office. Even once.

Seven Things I Cannot Do:

  1. I'm with Mary Louisa on this one: Lie convincingly. I used to be an absolute pro at lying, then one day I gave it up. What do you know, it is NOT like riding a bicycle. You DO forget how to do it, and that's comforting.
  2. Anything involving heights.
  3. Anything involving hammers.
  4. Anything involving internal combustions engines or other mechanical-type-stuff.
  5. Deal gracefully with my children's bickering.
  6. Meetings.
  7. Confrontation, a skill which oddly seems to have dissipated with lying.

Seven Things that Attract me to my Spouse:

  1. His security.
  2. His sheer competence with so many things.
  3. His honesty.
  4. His eyes.
  5. I think I'll save 5, 6, & 7 on privacy-related grounds.

Seven Things I Say/Write Most Often

  1. So
  2. Anyway
  3. And
  4. But
  5. Really
  6. OK
  7. Verisimilitude. Hah.

Seven Books I Love:

  1. Prodigal Summer
  2. A River Runs Through It
  3. Anything by James Herriot
  4. Anything by Sandra Boynton
  5. A Walk in the Woods
  6. How to Write a Dirty Story (just finished it today!)
  7. Tools of the Earth

Seven Movies I would Watch Over and Over Again:

  1. hmmmmmmm. Serious toughie. I rarely watch movies more than once, but I'll say: The Usual Suspects
  2. A River Runs Through It
  3. Life as a House
  4. Chocolat - but only for the "Next time I come around I'll get that squeak out of your door for yeh" line. Only Johnny Depp could make that sexy.
  5. A Fish Called Wanda
  6. The South Park Pilot (Jesus vs. Santa)
  7. American Pie

Seven People I Want to Join In:

  1. Any of the folks I know who blog have alreayd been tagged. Bummer.


At 9:16 PM, Blogger Mary Louisa said...

Yeeehaw! Good work, Erica. And I love South Park, too. I'd watch the SP Movie again, if I didn't keep forgetting that we OWN it. D'oh!

And thanks for calling me pretty. *bats lashes*


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