Is It Still Novel?
Time now for my novel update. Those of you who know me - even tangentially - were undoubtedly gored upon the multifarious horns of my novel dilemma. But it's been awhile, so here's my update:
Back in mid-'03 I decided to finally Write That Novel. The catch: I had three months to do it in order to make a deadline for entry into the Bellwether Prize. Three months turned out to be just long enough: one month of drafting and two of revising, and then several of (ultimately fruitless) hoping until I got the results.
I did not, of course, win. I wasn't even a finalist. And re-reading my novel after a several-month hiatus, I could see why. But the whole process was emminently educational. It taught me a thing or two about discipline (never my strong suit), about writing, and about how very much I should appreciate those people who were willing to watch my kids while I did so (Hi, Mom!)
It also taught my daugther to appreciate the finer things in life, as evidenced by this exclamation in the wake of the manuscript's completion:
"Mommy! The potty's WHITE again! Thank you for cleaning it!"
So flash forward a year, to the end of 2004, when I realize that my hard-won MS is still sitting half-revised on my shelf. Then enter personal coach Lynn Colwell with her enticing offer of 30 minutes free coaching, and suddenly I have unblocked my inner writer and completed my revision.
Then comes the agent querying. First round - dingding! - results: 17 queries, a handful of mostly-personalized rejections, another handful of no-responses, and one glorious agent who wanted to READ A PARTIAL.
Off went the partial... two weeks passed, not that I would have noticed, what with the amount of time I spent panting slack-jawed at the mailbox.
And then I got it. The Rejection. Oh! The sadness.
But not really. It was the nicest rejection I have ever received. In fact, I think I shall frame it. She had to pass - for very legitimate reasons which she was kind enough to detail - but did so "with compliments"!
But now, of course, it's back to that old beast Revision. And the way it's going, it will be a very long time before my toilet is white again.
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